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Melissa Anderson - Vice President / Special Agent

Melissa ventured into the business world after high school, working in a variety of office environments. Her vast experience led her into the insurance industry, and in 2009 she joined Krell Insurance. A natural multi-tasker, Melissa enjoys wearing many hats. Since 2007, she has been actively involved volunteering in and around her community, holding past board positions in the Monticello Community Club and Belleville Chamber of Commerce. Melissa currently organizes and runs the Monticello Homecoming Annual Parade in July, sponsored by the Community Club, and has for many years. 

Melissa is especially grateful to live near her grandparents, parents, children, and grandson. In her free time she enjoys camping and sitting around the fire pit with friends and family as much as possible. Recently, she started kayaking, which she very much enjoys for its peaceful and relaxing environment. She is also very much looking forward to spending time with her new grandson.

Melissa thoroughly enjoys the people met and relationships formed throughout her career. She is always up for a good challenge and will take a risk that “no one else” can insure, going the extra mile to investigate on how to best handle each situation – “I can’t always get an answer that I like, but I’ll try my best.”

Contact Melissa